Tom Cooper has seen first-hand the difference that Holland Bloorview makes.
With a family connection to the hospital, Tom has supported Holland Bloorview for the past four years as a Capes for Kids superhero. He’s also been an active member of Holland Bloorview’s family leader volunteer community since 2018, including as a member of the Bloorview Research Institute commercialization advisory council, research family engagement committee and the Capes for Kids advisory council.
Tom is sporting his cape once again. Tom shares why it’s important to build a more inclusive and accessible world, and his favourite memory at Holland Bloorview.
What does Holland Bloorview mean to you personally, and why do you support the hospital?
Tom: My six year old daughter is a client of Holland Bloorview’s prosthetics department and has been since shortly after her first birthday.
Holland Bloorview creates a world of possibility for children and youth living with disability, medical complexity, illness, and injury through its innovations, research and evidence-informed care. I want to do more to help these amazing kids and that’s why I continue to support the hospital and Capes for Kids.
What’s your favourite Holland Bloorview memory?
Tom: Beyond being clients of the hospital, our family has been lucky to have the chance to participate in many Holland Bloorview programs, including swimming lessons and sports skills clinics. However, one event stands out as a favourite memory for us. In 2019, Santa Claus visited the hospital and welcomed all Holland Bloorview clients. Our family was able to attend and had a wonderful time making crafts in Santa’s workshop and taking photos with Santa. We even received a small gift that our kids still treasure today.
Why is it important to build a more inclusive and accessible world?
Tom: Capes for Kids is about more than just fundraising. Wearing a cape is a symbol of inclusion that opens up conversations and raises awareness for childhood disability and anti-ableism. These conversations are a critical step to ending stigma and eliminating bias against people with disabilities to create a more inclusive and accessible world for all.
About Capes for Kids:
Capes for Kids is a fun way to support kids and youth with disabilities and Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital – and with a goal of raising $1 million, this year’s event is bigger and better than ever.