If music is playing, chances are Jasper is singing and dancing along.
The energetic seven year old will happily sing you a catchy tune – or brighten your day with an adorable joke.
“What do you call a mountain full of cats? A meow-tain!”
Now, Jasper is dancing his way into his newest role as an ambassador for Capes for Kids – which Jasper says is “pretty cool.”
When he was young, Jasper’s parents noticed a delay in his growth motor skills, including sitting, climbing, walking and standing. After being diagnosed with global developmental delay, Jasper first came to Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital at three years old.
At Holland Bloorview, Jasper was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). With support from the hospital’s therapists, pediatricians and orthotics team, Jasper achieved developmental milestones.
“We’re just really grateful that Holland Bloorview exists,” says Nicola, Jasper’s mom. “Jasper likes Holland Bloorview because he likes people and having new people to talk to. And everyone is always very happy to chat with him.”
Strumming songs on the guitar, Jasper’s love of music flourished in 1:1 and group music therapy. And he had a splash in the snoezelen pool, where he took his first independent steps.

Jasper also speaks fondly about his time as a student at Bloorview School Authority (BSA). Physical and occupational therapy were a part of his days through the school’s integrated education and therapy program.
His favourite parts about school? Gym class, playing on the accessible playground and weekly puppet shows from his teacher, Paul.
“It was so cool!”
Now graduated from the BSA, Jasper plans to come back to Holland Bloorview regularly for therapy. And he’ll continue to enjoy his favourite hobbies at home, like building robots – and his newest adventure, jazz class.
“I really love it.”